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Fleet Management for Not-for-Profit

Improve efficiency and safety for the drivers helping to carry out your mission.

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Track Your Assets

People rely on your fleet

As a not-for-profit organisation, the communities you serve depend on you and benefit from the valuable services you provide. Whether transportation, meal delivery or essential medical services all depend on vehicles to achieve these goals. Gaining clear insights into how and where your vehicles are used can open new possibilities to reallocate resources in service of your mission, while keeping your staff and passengers safe.

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Non Profit Software 1017X601

Benefits for NonProfits

Achieve more of your mission with fleet management

Workplace Health Safety 570X543 (1)

Keep Everyone Safer

Whether your staff drives around to different work sites, or part of your mission is to transport the people you serve using cars or buses, you want everyone safe. Fleet management software can keep you apprised of everyone’s location.

Stay in touch with your staff as they pick up passengers, make deliveries, or carry out other important work. Warn them of potential hazards and even learn how they drive, using that information to improve driver safety training.

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Fleet Visibility 570X543

Take Control Over Complexity

Running a nonprofit organisation frequently means trying to do many things at once with resources stretched to their limits. When your flurry of activity includes managing drivers and transportation routes, you need a hub to manage it all.

Keep an eye on driver behaviour that wastes gas or puts undue wear-and-tear on your vehicles, and even schedule preventive maintenance. Make your vehicles last as long as possible and take steps to prevent expensive surprise repairs. Well-tested software functionality lets you do it all.

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Business Intelligence Fleet 570X543

Use Your Budget Efficiently

Every penny of your donors’ support counts. Using telematics software allows you to stretch your budget and demonstrate fiscal responsibility by making more efficient choices.

Using software that integrates with other systems and supplies easy-to-understand data keeps things running efficiently. Smoother operations means less money wasted on administration and keeps it focused on your cause.

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Frequently Asked Questions

We know you have questions, and we’re here to help

Mobile resource management, or MRM, refers to monitoring and tracking a variety of mobile assets. These may be vehicles used for deliveries, passenger transport, or other aspects of your business activities.

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Insurance companies make decisions on premium costs based on claim histories – the record of events that indicates whether a commercial vehicle operator is a good risk. The consider factors like driver behavior, and previous accidents or violations. Train your drivers and ensure that they follow safety standards to reduce risk.

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To measure the efficiency of your nonprofit’s fuel use, you should:

  1. Choosing a measurement, the most common being litres per 100km
  2. Implement this measurement across the entire fleet.
  3. Communicate results and performance, setting improvement targets and choosing a strategy for meeting them.

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Non Profit FAQ 570X440
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