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Fleet Management for Local Government

Getting your local government fleet connected, delivering efficiency, safety and productivity within budgetary constraints.

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The future of fleet management for Local Government

Connect all your assets for a proactive fleet management approach

Operating a successful government fleet is a constant balancing act. While working to stringent regulations, tight budgets, and enforcing proper governance over assets, innovation fast becomes the key to smart city and going-green strategies. Telematics, AI-enabled enabled fleet management and instant insights helps get it right.

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Decrease fuel use
by up to 30%

Reduce incidents & violations by up to 20%

Increase asset
utilisation by 15%

Reduce maintenance
events by 12%

Data sourced from Teletrac Navman, Aberdeen Group and Frost & Sullivan

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How Telematics Transforms Council Fleet Management

Fleet management solutions will keep your business on its feet, improving control over your  assets and informing the proper governance of vehicle use. From saving money on maintenance, tax and fuel usage, to promoting road safety and positive driver behaviour, the benefits of introducing these solutions are clear.

With access to big data, you can predict future needs, achieve greater innovation, comply with governance requirements and better integrate your processes, from waste management to resource planning.


Take Control of your Assets & Equipment
with Fleet Management Technology

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Manage your Assets & Comply with Requirements

Vehicle and Asset Utilisation — By collecting data from your mixed asset fleet, increase utilisation rates by up to 15 per cent, reduce idle time by up to 20 per cent and eliminate inefficient vehicle use.

Proactive Maintenance — Vehicles that won’t skip a beat thanks to preventative maintenance based on kilometres travelled, operating hours or dates, while reducing maintenance events by an average of 12 percent.

Unauthorised Use and Asset Location — Telematics ensures authorised operators are using vehicles for authorised work all while you know where your expensive assets are.

Carpool and Asset Management — Consolidate your vehicle use and simplify the management of your vehicle sharing, while following guidelines for authorised usage and drivers.

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Reduce your Overheads, Increase your Savings

Fuel Cost Savings — See up to 30 per cent decrease in fuel consumption and reduce fuel expenses by up to 20 per cent with insight into vehicle performance, driver behaviour, idling and more.

Fuel Tax Credit Rebates — Time and location data generated automatically gives you more accurate rebate calculations putting more money in the business’s back pocket.

Fringe Benefits Tax Calculations — Electronic logbooks allow your drivers to select the purpose of their trip, allowing for Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) to be easily and accurately calculated.

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Handle Your WH&S Responsibilities

Easy Compliance — The Work Health & Safety Act 2011 requires you to have a workplace safety policy. Connecting your fleet helps by monitoring safety risks and keeps operators and the public safe.

Reduce Road Infringements — Create a safe and compliant fleet by uncovering risky driver behaviour such as harsh braking and excessive speeding.

Identify Training Opportunities — Proactively implement driver training and a scorecard system that rewards safer behaviour, reducing driver turnover. Individualised coaching is based on actual data and performance to improve on-road behaviour and asset condition.

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Deliver More Value for your Customers

Customer Service — Closest vehicle routing ensures that customers aren’t kept waiting, jobs are completed quicker and customer service remains a priority.

Complaint Handling — Vehicle tracking provides evidence of work completed and vehicle replays - can be used to respond quickly to customer complaints with accurate job, time and vehicle data.

Job Management — Create better scheduling processes and match vehicles with incoming jobs. Once a job is complete, a proof of service is generated and time on site automatically tracked.

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Meet your Environment Responsibilities

CO2 Emission Monitoring — Track vehicle and asset use to generate a vehicle-by-vehicle breakdown of carbon emissions and formulate emissions targets and strategies, including reducing idle time.

Green Fleet Strategy — To tackle the challenges of reducing greenhouse emissions, councils are adopting telematics to better understand trends and identify problem areas.

Education and “Buy-in” — Rewarding better driver behaviour and educating less efficient drivers introduces more ‘buy-in’ to fleet sustainability and encourages everyone to meet environmental goals together.

Maintenance — Ensure that your vehicles are running at optimal mechanical levels to reduce carbon output.

Modern Fleet Management 

Value Added Services and AI-enabled Telematics

AI-enabled fleet management solutions and telematics can provide a range of benefits to the operation, from providing better data to help mitigate risk, right through to electric vehicle support.

Electronic Work Diary EWD NHVR approved


Governance and risk mitigation with an approved EWD

Teletrac Navman’s Electronic Work Diary is an NHVR-approved fatigue solution that provides the driver the sole source of fatigue information, dispensing with the need to complete a written work diary. With the ability to mitigate risk with a digital solution, you can help provide better governance with data. 

Find out more

Electric Vehicle Capability

Going green with an electric fleet and telematics

A sustainable future is important to local government and utilising electric vehicles is a priority. With Teletrac Navman's technology integrated into your EV's, you can use data to better understand the utilisation and productivity of your EV fleet.   Understand which EV’s have the battery level to be able to run a certain route or know your battery levels, capacity and internal resistance, and even odometer values to improve maintenance and vehicle conditions. 

electric vehicle ev and telematics
Au Lg Site360

Project Management

All your projects managed in one system

The next phase site management and technology is where we are today and what we can now see. Data coming from multiple sources, both on and off the job site, more complex information including engine data, operator biometrics, cost control, electronic log books, tracking operators on site, collision avoidance, automated scheduling. Connecting all assets in one place.

Frequently Asked Questions

We know you have questions, and we’re here to help

In order to measure efficient fuel use, government agencies can do the following three things.

  1. Choose a measurement, the most common being litres per 100km.
  2. Track this measurement across the entire fleet.
  3. Communicate results and performance, setting improvement targets and choosing a strategy for meeting them.

Learn more

Driver training is crucial to developing a consistent culture of road safety. The three steps to creating a successful driver training program are:

  1. Measure driver behavior for things like sudden speeding and harsh braking.
  2. Establish a training program that is both relevant and focused.
  3. Sustain the program with continual provision of feedback and driver incentives.

Insurance companies make decisions on premium costs based on claim histories – the record of events that indicates whether a commercial vehicle operator is a good risk. You may be eligible for lower premiums if you keep violations and accidents to a minimum. Train your drivers well and track their behavior to reduce your risk of either.

Learn more

Government Public FAQ 570X440